Polycom Soundpoint 335
Default passwords
- Phone: 456
- Web interface: Polycom / 456
Ref: voip-info.org Polycom Phones
DHCP configuration
Added this to my /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf configuration:
option ntp-servers 0.debian.pool.ntp.org;
option time-offset -18000;
(not clear how the phone deals with daylight savings, but I prefer to configure this from the DHCP server than from the phone’s web interface)
SIP configuration (via the web interface)
In Section “Lines”:
- Display Name: CallerID name (ex: John Doe)
- Address: SIP account username (makes no sense, but this seems to be the username)
- Auth User ID: SIP account username (well, considering the above, I’m not sure what this does)
- Auth Password: SIP account password
- Label: name of the line displayed on the phone (ex: “# 1001” for extention 1001)
- Type: private (no idea what “shared” does, rings in multiple locations?)
Server 1:
- Address: SIP server address, ex:
- Port: 5060
- Transport: UDP only (I’m not sure what the others are, such as “DNSnaptr”)
Author Mathieu Lu
LastMod 2021-05-30